Artist James Leong’s artwork “Year of The Rat” for our Facebook Page banner.


Appearance of Species The “Sovereign” Heralds Signs of Alien Life & Signals Start of The Apocalypse 

The Reckoning of Humanity Has Begun



5th MAY 2020

The World Is No Longer The Same…

In recent months, humanity has descended into anarchy.

In recent months, humanity has descended into anarchy.

As people fight over toilet paper and governments try to maintain control over a global populace coming to terms with a reality made up largely of the walls of their homes…2020 has been shaping up to be one of the most brutal years in recent memory.

As society grapples with the outlawing of life’s simple pleasures such as hanging out at the bar and bantering with one’s colleague about the latest workplace gossip, a strange phenomenon has begun to take shape.

Conspiracy theorists and experts in extraterrestrial life report the sightings of a once forgotten ancient race called “The Sovereign”.


Although scientific literature is scant on the mysterious topic, ancient prophecies revolving around this race called “The Sovereign” which hark back to mayan blood rituals - talk about the 4 signs that must appear before the coming apocalypse where aliens infiltrate mankind body by body…thereby eventually taking over human society.

1) The Appearance of a Pale White Horse

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, an 1887 painting by Viktor Vasnetsov. From left to right are Death, Famine, War, and Conquest

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, an 1887 painting by Viktor Vasnetsov. From left to right are Death, Famine, War, and Conquest

Then I saw when the Lamb broke one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying as with a voice of thunder, “Come.” I looked, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.
— Revelation 6:1–2

The White Horse has been a long running theme since ancient and biblical times, usually foreshadowing larger more signifiant earth shattering events to come - such as the closure of Bubble Tea shops.

Not too long ago a White Horse was seen along Bukit Timah road, when finally confronted on why it was roaming around its owner said that they had forgotten to lock up the horse enclosure.

Coincidence? I think not.

2) Emergence of ‘the ancient’ tongue, a telltale sign of Sovereign-to-Human host infestation

I admire its purity. A survivor... unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality.
— Ash, Crew member of Ill-fated human space vessel USCSS Nostromo

Archaeologists who first unearthed the ancient texts buried beneath the pyramids of Egypt (you know, those things the aliens built in the desert) point to the following pivotal trait found in the alien species known as “The Sovereign”:

A) Reverting to ancient speak in normal settings

B) Referring to oneself as “We” instead of “I” (thereby paying homage to the alien race “The Sovereign” as a whole)

C) A general sense of delusion and “out of body” experience with zero regard for social norms

D) Mental degradation and rejection of safety for both oneself and others, even in times of danger and disease

Recent events at the Shunfu Mart of a woman seemingly ranting on about being “A Sovereign” and referring to herself as a “We” are one the earliest sighting of sovereign-to-human-host infestation as they begin to infiltrate all corners of human civilization - and soon the world.

Beware My Friend! They Live!
”The Sovereign” are amongst us!

Fight The Coming Apocalypse With These Goods From The Singaplex Store - Products For Woke Singaporeans

Anti Sovereign Sovereign Club Tshirt

Anti Sovereign Sovereign Club Tshirt

Sovereign Politico Tshirt

Sovereign Politico Tshirt

I Survived Circuit Breaker & The year 2020 and all I got was this T-Shirt:

CB-Kea Tshirt

CB-Kea Tshirt

Quarantined 2020 Tshirt

Quarantined 2020 Tshirt

3) Turning Human Technology Against Us

File photo local Singapore police’s early encounter with alien race “The Sovereign”, seen here trying to flex on them with a “Ed Hardy” t-shirt and a piece of human technology known as a smartphone.

File photo local Singapore police’s early encounter with alien race “The Sovereign”, seen here trying to flex on them with a “Ed Hardy” t-shirt and a piece of human technology known as a smartphone.

The Sovereign is a race built upon deception, they usually try to turn a planet’s native race (in this case humanity) against itself - using a combination of double speak, artful subterfuge and the manipulation of existing technology.

In recent times the fallen have been linked in outbreaks of insanity in places such as the United Kingdom and Europe where they have begun to incite paranoia and an ongoing controversy linking 5G cell towers to the current pandemic spreading across the globe.

Source: The New York Times

Source: The New York Times

The playbook of this vindictive alien race is to turn mankind against each other by crippling the existing healthcare system with “delusional hosts” - humans that have been infected by the sovereign and used to cause confusion and undermine human infrastructure to the point of global collapse.

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4) The Use Of Systemic Deprivation & Mental Attacks

The “Sovereign” are an ancient alien race that understands the psychology of a planet’s native population - they know that deprivation and mental health anguish will rip society from the knees in a manner that can often be more crippling than the plasma blast or midnight UFO abduction.

Bubble Tea the cornerstone of modern civilization was ground to a halt as a result of tightening CB measures. Mc Donalds has also taken a hit, as reported by TODAY:

Bubble Tea the cornerstone of modern civilization was ground to a halt as a result of tightening CB measures. Mc Donalds has also taken a hit, as reported by TODAY:

Photo via TODAY

Photo via TODAY

As the local government deemed the CB to be too ‘loose’ previously, new CB tightening measures have begun to impact the twin pillar of every modern civilization: 1) Cold caffeinated beverages and 2) Fast Food.

For now it would seem that “The Sovereign” have made headway into human civilization. However reports of the first self declared “We Are Sovereign” host first spotted at Shunfu Mart has reportedly been apprehended:


In the meantime, do stay vigilant against this new menace to humanity. We can all overcome this tightening CB together and avert the apocalypse by resisting our encounters with members of “The Sovereign”, who need human hosts to latch onto.

As a scene from a popular movies goes:

We’re fighting for our right to live. To exist. And should we win the day, this CB will no longer be known as a CCB, but as the day when we declared in one voice: We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! For this is our independence day!
— Independence Day retold in CB language

Update: For now it would seem that humanity has overcome first wave of attacks from the race known as “The Sovereign”

Justice prevails…for now.

Justice prevails…for now.



Jonathan Leong a.k.a “The Cyborg Samurai” is a creative content strategist, writer, artist and internet culture aficionado. Since 2008 he has been behind the scenes of branded content and creative direction work that has been seen by millions across both traditional and digital mediums for the likes of Nike / Kobe Bryant, MTV, New Balance, IKEA, Tiger Beer, UBS Bank, the Economic Development Board of Singapore and seminal Russian Rock Band MumiyTroll (Му́мий Тро́лль). You can check out more of his stuff at: A lifelong sneaker enthusiast, he is also an advisor to an early stage online marketplace - focusing on the growing Asian streetwear industry.