Why The Hecc Do We Care About The Environment?

Could dystopian sci-fi films become a reality in the future?


(Not) An Art Hoe


Memes by Singaplex

After writing 5 Things Singaporeans Try To Do To Save The Earth, a question comes to mind: why the hecc do we care about the environment? We often doubt whether converting to metal straws and saying no to that one plastic bag will really make a difference with the actions of one individual. Environmentalists are more disheartened day by day, big corporations and governments continue to not care about the environment as much as they should. And to make matters worse, the Covid-19 pandemic has shifted everyone’s focus on that and global warming has become a backburner problem. So why do we still care about the environment? 

For the future generation 

There is a rising trend of millennials who do not want to have children, simply because they think the world is a terrible place beyond repair and do not wish to bring them into it. Besides the political and social struggles plaguing the world, the environment’s deterioration is also a big factor. 

Some however choose to try to save the environment and preserve it the best they can until science and future geniuses can find a way to stop climate change. While the damage caused by climate change seems irreversible and the Earth might never recover, one can place their hopes in the future and do what they can now. 

It’s the ‘cool’ thing to do 

Some environmental enthusiasts legit just ‘do it for the gram’. What else could garner more likes than a chic, hipster photo of someone who still cares about the environment despite the ongoing pandemic (and lack of traveling content)? Doing a good thing will definitely be well received by your followers, and not to mention how good and Tumblr-aesthetics that rose gold metal straw looks with your favorite bubble tea. 

Images via Pinterest

Being cooped up at home has also gotten many of us to pick up interesting new hobbies, such as urban farming. These ‘green hobbies’ also gets one to think about sustainability and reflect more on our daily choices. Even if watching Netflix is your hobby, watching documentaries like Seaspiracy or Game Changers will also inspire some to rethink their lifestyles a little. 

We might live long enough to suffer the consequences 

With science constantly advancing, humans are living longer and longer lives such that some of us might just live to suffer the consequences of climate change. In Singapore, we are already super sus of the intensely hot days and days of a sudden downpour. Elsewhere around the world, we see freak weather occurring more frequently as well and it might even become the new norm. Yes, think more and more floods, droughts, random snow at odd times of the year and so on.

Image via Doraemon

Furthermore, with the existence of cryonics, some also hope to be brought back to life in the future. But a few things one might want to consider before freezing their bodies or brains is what kind of world would we be brought back to, assuming it still exists. Would it be a futuristic landscape with flying cars and holograms, or a dystopian world where we have to survive on canned food? 

We love animals

The new baby panda born at the Singapore Zoo is like a martyr, rekindling the passion for saving endangered animals from going extinct and protecting their natural habitats from mankind. How can we say no to that adorable black-and-white face? 

Image credits Wildlife Reserves Singapore

Endangered animals have been use in images and icon to inspire and remind us to protect these creatures whom we share the earth with. From the signature panda in the WWF logo to the image of a starving polar against an iceless backdrop, these visuals leave a strong impression in our minds. Notable mentions includes the image of a seahorse clinging on to a discarded cotton bud, and sea turtles getting strangled by plastic. These photos forces viewers to directly confront the cruel realities and effect of their actions, of consuming or irresponsibly dumping their rubbish. 

Image credits National Geographic and Justin Hofman

Honestly, there are no downsides to giving a f*** about the environment and doing our part. The challenge comes in being consistent and actively incorporating these choices into our lifestyles. Even if the going seems tough and you might feel lazy to wash that metal straw, maybe sit back and remind yourself about why you care, be it the cute baby panda or for your future children and grandchildren. 

JOLENE TEO | (Not) An Art Hoe

Jolene Teo is a contemporary and modern art enthusiast, writer, curator, and cultural researcher. She enjoys exploring the areas inbetween art, design, critical narratives, pop culture, and the cult of collecting. She is socially awkward but will talk to you about plants, art, anime, and life. Some part of her still wishes she can become an artist one day. Send her memes @joteo_